Friday, July 25, 2008

About Me

My name is Maeghan Jerry, and I'm from Medicine Hat, Alberta. This August I'm moving to Turkey for a year as part of the Rotary International Youth Exchange. I don't know much yet, except that my host mom works at a bank and doesn't speak English. I'll try to update this blog as often as possible, although if I have to choose between writing a blog entry or experiencing some new aspect of Turkish culture, you know which will be forsaken.
There's nothing exciting here at home; in fact, I haven't even started to pack. I hear "I'll miss you so much!" from at least one person every day, but that's really the only part of my life that lets on that I'm leaving. That, and the ever-increasing pile of Canadian merchandise in my bedroom. So I guess that's all I have to say until things pick up around here.

Ta-ta for now!