Today I did the whole take pictures out the window of the school bus thing. You know you're cool when...
I don't know how they'll show up on the blog, but one is of a tree and a car near my apartment. Don't know why, but I liked it. Another is a snapshot of the Bosphorus (forgot the name in English for a minute there!) that got me wierd looks from the people around me on the bus. There's one of a gray apartment building that is rather depressing to look at, but each balcony is painted a ridiculously bright colour. I like it. The final picture is of a bunch of apartments on a hill. Welcome to suburbia. Does that word remind anyone else of Tony Hawk video games?
And now for all your questions!
Rowan asked:
"Do all your teachers speak English or are they just trying to mess with you? Obama or McCain? Sheep? Name off some foods that you've eaten. How big are the flags? Huge? What are the students like? What kind of homework do you get? Clouds?"
My math teacher and my english teachers do. The others know very litte if any. It's quite entertaining. I don't think my religion teacher has noticed that I have no clue what he's saying yet.
Only if they're black ones.
Döner, borek, pommegranates picked straight off the tree, köfte, dondurma, rice... and it's all soo good. Döner is my new favorite food, beating out even Sunday night pizza (sorry Dad). Köfte is Turkish meatballs. Only they aren't round so they can't be meatballs, but anyways.
Did you not look at the pictures? Those were sky scrapers. It may be a matter of opinion, but I'd say they're pretty big.
The students are good. They're very nice, although today some of them wanted me to say something that made them laugh and the other ones were telling me not to say it and I was confused. Basically I'll stick to the stuff from my Turkish course and ask Eve or Meara or someone if I'm not sure. *akward turtle*
I wouldn't know, being that I don't do it. I looked up Orpheus for philosophy class once and had a student translate what I said. I've accepted a coğrafiya project, and suprise suprise my friends decided that the country I should report on was Canada. I don't actually know what the assignment is though...
Laura said-
"OK, how does the milk not spoil? I left my milk on the counter for like, three hours, and it got all smelly. Is is MILK POWDER?!? That would be so cool!
...Do the newspapers have comics? What is your newspaper called?! Does it have an awesome name like... I can't really be guessing here 'cause I definitely don't know Turkish!
OH! I think I've asked you this before, but what side of the road to they drive on? And if they drive on the left, do people walk on the left of the hallway too?"
The milk is in these cool, metally tinfoily lined boxes and once you open them you put them in the fridge. Milk powder is disgusting. And uncool.
I have yet to read a Turkish newspaper, so I have no idea. But every now and then I do go online and check the Turkish Daily News. It's in English.
They drive on the same side as us. I know, contain your disappointment. It wouldn't matter in the hallways though, because it's just one big jumble. Lol.
Linda wrote-
"Seriously? The flour's in the fridge? But doesn't the milk spoil? Oh, and I'm not sure if you've mentioned this already, but do you have 2% milk over there, or do people normally buy whole milk?
Are all video sites banned?
What sites aren't blocked? If you are really that bored, try and see if my site is blocked or not. "
Serious is my middle name. See above. And people drink whole milk, although my family bought me 'Süt Light' which is not quite skim but not 2%? I don't know. It's wierd.
I haven't tried other video sites, but I don't believe they are. Because I can use google video still, as long as the original isn't hosted on YouTube.
Your site is not blocked, I tried it when mine was. Also, wordpress appears to be unblocked as well.
Emily asked-
"How is the Turkey cookin'?"
Slower and slower as the weather cools.
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