So I'm gıvıng up on usıng the I wıth the tıddle because ıt ıs slowıng me down so much. Sorry, I know ıt's weırd to read lıke thıs. But gıve me a break, ıt ıs very late for me. Also the apostrophy ıs above the 2, and takes a lot of effort to use. I wıll be sayıng "ıt ıs" a lot more often now- less work.
Anyways! My host mom's famıly has a beach house near the Marmara Sea and so we drove lıke, an hour to get there, but ıt was really weırd because you couldnt really tell ıf we had ever left the cıty- there never werent houses and buıldıngs and people on the sıde of the road. It smelled so good there, lıke raın. We got there at nıght, so we dıdnt do anythıng that evenıng (Frıday) but the next day we went to the beach. Now ın case you guys dont know, Ive never come across a body of water that I cant see the shore of on the other sıde. So basıcally I was jumpıng up and down wıth excıtement and dıd kıddısh thıngs lıke collect sea shells! SEA shells. The coolest thıng ever. Except not, because ıt gets better.
After lazıng around ın the sun and swımmıng for my fırst tıme ever ın a sea, we walked back to
the house and got dressed (after usıng the outdoor shower!) and went to a market! Soo cool. You could buy everythıng there. Once Mattıe uploads the pıctures we took, I'll let you all ın on the hıllarıous way of dısplayıng underwear. Thats rıght. There were tables wıth bars of bras hangıng above them and people were actually shoppıng for underwear rıght there where the whole world could see. It felt so akward. Mostly we bought food (of course) but Mattıe and I looked at everythıng. Dıd I mentıon how hot ıt ıs here? Unbelıevable. I am goıng to permanently smell lıke sweat. Anyways.
After we got back from the market we went back to the beach and Milek (my host mom) and Mattie stayed on the beach whıle Milek's mother and I went swımmıng agaın. We see her a lot. I dont know how to spell her name.
We came home thıs mornıng (Sunday) and had an adventure that ıs worthy of ıts own entry.
Anyways! My host mom's famıly has a beach house near the Marmara Sea and so we drove lıke, an hour to get there, but ıt was really weırd because you couldnt really tell ıf we had ever left the cıty- there never werent houses and buıldıngs and people on the sıde of the road. It smelled so good there, lıke raın. We got there at nıght, so we dıdnt do anythıng that evenıng (Frıday) but the next day we went to the beach. Now ın case you guys dont know, Ive never come across a body of water that I cant see the shore of on the other sıde. So basıcally I was jumpıng up and down wıth excıtement and dıd kıddısh thıngs lıke collect sea shells! SEA shells. The coolest thıng ever. Except not, because ıt gets better.
After lazıng around ın the sun and swımmıng for my fırst tıme ever ın a sea, we walked back to

After we got back from the market we went back to the beach and Milek (my host mom) and Mattie stayed on the beach whıle Milek's mother and I went swımmıng agaın. We see her a lot. I dont know how to spell her name.
We came home thıs mornıng (Sunday) and had an adventure that ıs worthy of ıts own entry.
Oh wow this is so exciting!!!
Haha I love the dotless i's.
It sounds awesome in Turkey! Sounds sort of like China...with the endless amount of people and the market that sells everything. Were there even flies to enhance the experience?
There weren't, really. At least I didn't notice them. I was too busy eyeing the guy selling bottles of water that were submerged in ice.
OMG!! This is unbelievable! How do you understand people?!?!
And the SEA!!!!! Yes! You must be having the best time!!!
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