I'm not quite bored enough to start blogging yet. So enjoy the photos!
(How The Other Half Lives just came on in shuffle.. I miss theatre!)

Me and Tinkerbell (aka Jael from Mexico) in the Temple of Apollo. It was HUGE. Like, ridiculously. You kind of just stood there with your mouth open for like a full minute without taking anything in. To be able to build something like that. *phew* I'm tired just thinking about it!

Well thanks, Tips! One of those bursting into hysterical laughter for no obvious reason moments. I mean.. one tends to notice when they find themselves underwater... lack of oxygen and all.

Me in the city of Troy. Hooray for the Les Mis shirt! Soon after this we made a video of us running through the city crying "The Greeks are coming, the Greeks are coming!"
Hooray for off-season and an empty tourist site.

No.. I don't know what they are. Or what they're for. But they sure are pretty, aren't they?

Me attempting artsy photography..
Well anyways! Evil eyes. Its amazing I haven't bought a hundred already. I absolutely love them. And they come in so many different styles. I myself own.. a pair of earrings, two necklaces, two bracelets, and a plain glass one that I plan to do something with some day. Some were gifts, okay? (Although I'll admit- I'm addicted. ) Oh! And two pins for my blazer.

I suppose you may want to see some ruins or something.. This is the library at Ephesus. It is HUGE. This is one of the best-preserved things I saw. Quite humbling, really.

Lego needs to check it's copyrights. This stone is older than plastic. No one else understood why I was laughing so hard.. I seem to get that a lot here.

A beautiful sunset in Bodrum. It was beautiful, I swear! Some of us just don't know how to work our cameras. Anyways. The whole sky looked like it was on fire and that made the water look like it was on fire. Plus there's a law there that you have to paint your house white. Which means all the houses looked orange and pink in the light.. Anyways. It was really cool.

Well.. you gotta admire the honesty. And the oxymoron. (I always think of Charlie Brown- Good Grief!)

A peacock and a chicken.. interesting pair. And you can't tell, but they're standing under a tree that I think was a cherry tree.. with the pretty sakura blossoms or whatever they're called. It was a very funny sight. I decided they were in love.

Not a clear photo (bus window!).. but they're gathering olives. You put the sheet down and then just shake the tree. When you're done you fold up the sheet with the olives inside and ta-da!

Me at Troy. Obviously this is not the original horse, but still entertaining. Actually, Troy was one of the coolest sets of ruins we visited. It still had walls and stuff. Not just random pillars. Although it had some of those too.

From the gift stall at The House of Mary. This one had me cracking up. And getting strange looks from Asian tourists.. Really, am I the only one who finds it funny? I almost bought some just for fun, but it was expensive.

The sweet dog who reminded me of my own. It was the spots on the nose I think. This dog like, followed us around after that.. Turks don't really touch the animals. "They're dirty."

One of the many engraved stones randomly skewed across this country. I don't remember which site this one is from. But flowers seemed to be a common theme.
I love you!
great pics. Looks like a really fun and interesting trip.
love mom
Poor? Not me! Honey I don't want those money woes...
ah Millie.
Just that small portion of the Temple of Apollo looks astounding. I wish I was there!
AH I love that sign. One of those foreign signs with English on them that just makes you laugh.
Heh, that sounds so fun.
The lantern-like things are pretty.
SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS! and Jim Carrey. That's what the eyes reminded me of. Is that some sort of symbol in Turkey or it just a thing that's popular?
That library is huge. Eeeh, wow.
No one ever understands why I laugh here either. Oh well. I guess it does seem kind of random when I'm by myself and I just start smiling. That's not creepy in anyway...but the other people just don't get it, so whatever--so what if they think if I'm some lunatic.
That is a beautiful sunset!
OXYMORON heh. Good advertising too.
Aw the peacock and the chicken are very cute. I discovered today that my Spanish dictionary does not have "rooster" in it. (el gallo) How lacking.
I want to shake a tree! It sounds like a cool contraption (yes, the total of one sheet.)
Heh, if that was what the original horse looked like, you'd think that the people being invaded would have noticed the windows? But I'm sure the invaders were much stealthier than that.
In a way the holy water is pretty funny. Where do they get it from? Do people actually spend the effort to go to some spring in the mountain just to collect tiny bottles of the water or does the lazy businessman just want to make money with tap water?
The engraved stones are also lovely.
Yumuşak heart!
I'm guessing it isn't tap water since it contains enough iron here that us exchange students can't bring ourselves to get into a bathtub due to the orange tinge...
Probably bought some bottled water from like.. Calgary or something.
The evil eye is indeed a symbol in Turkey. AND IT DOES SO REMIND ME OF ASOUE TOOOOOOO! I never thought of that. Crazy!
Your pictures are matched only by your comments. Especially loved the "lego" and the "witches".
Love gramma
Those signs were HILARIOUS. Oh man...
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