On Thursday all I have pictures of is eatting and the road. It took me a while to realise that that's because we were on our way to Cappadocia! We stopped for lunch in the birthplace of Turkish icecream. It was necessary to try the icecream. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well, so I only ordered one scoop of vanilla. The guy serving was heartbroken. Didn't I want anything else? How about strawberry? No? Well I had to try the pistachio- it is his favorite. It's not that I don't want it, it's that I don't know that I do. And so a scoop of pistachio was added. I attempted to take my icecream, but no! I should try the almond as well! Won't I take the almond? And another scoop went on. I managed to deter any fruit flavours, but still ended up with four scoops dipped in chocolate sauce and sprinkled with nuts.

In the end he only charged me for the scoop I had ordered, and with a bus full of boys, I had no problem getting rid of my icecream when I had had enough.

The next day we explored Cappadocia, land of beautiful horses! We didn't see many horses, beautiful or otherwise, but every time we passed a goat or a sheep or a cow, someone would say "Look! A beautiful ho... no wait... Never mind." We did, however, see plenty of houses built into the cliffs and hills, and odd rock formations known to tourists as "ferry chimneys" and me as "hoodoos". Indeed, the guide agreed with me when some of the Americans didn't believe that we had a word for them in English.

After a short photo expedition, we entered The Underground City. Not for the claustrophobic! It was a system of small, winding passages opening into low-roofed rooms with small signs stating in Turkish and English what that particular cave was used for. Here I am in the church.

THEN, on our way out we passed the President of Portugal. The Brazilians yelled in Portuguese and ended up with video cameras pointed at them. I shall always wonder what they said...
Now I believe I told you that we had a short bus for this trip. 15 seats for 15 people. It made for a very crowded trip, especially with bus rides that lasted the whole day. Well for the sake of comparison, here's our bus beside a regular tourism bus, like the one we had for the first trip. Get the idea?

As you can see, their home and workshop was partially underground, like most of the buildings in the area. This meant that it was beautifully cool! From there we toured the vastly less exciting jewelry place and then it was off to the "moonlike landscapes" where we were free to explore.

At the end of the day (there's another day dawning! Couldn't help it, sorry...) we returned to the hotel. Blase, Carly, and I signed up for the hot air balloon ride and went to bed early for that.
End Trip Update.
As for my new family, they are wonderful! I have been spending nearly all my time with my host sister. I've been helping her improve her English and she has been teaching me more Turkish. I can now make If clauses and say "I wish..." (and with that, I learned conditional phrasing). This probably doesn't sound that impressive, but I'm happy! She talks in English and I talk in Turkish and we translate what each other is saying and correct any mistakes.
The next update will be the balloon ride! I'm almost done!
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your third host family and your new big sister. Please let me know if you want us to send some things from Canada. Be sure to invite them to come and visit us in Canada.
I love the ice cream story!!! The pictures are also breathe taking. Wow. OH and there's a song I have to show you when we both get back. It's about Döner's. I'll translate it. I think you'd really appreciate it!
MAEGHAN! You have been in Turkey way too long! You must come back right now! Except you don't, because well...it's much more exciting there than here. But why do I say so? Eatting has one "t", my friend. But it's all good. x)
I really want to go to Swirlz right now...since I have a "free" period of sorts. (I'm really glad blogger isn't blocked on the school computer! I'm surprised.)(Oh I love Wiedemann...the teacher...I'm hearing him talk about staying up late and waking up early just to read a book) Your picture of Turkish ice cream isn't helping things much (with the ice cream longing...I seem to have ADD). If I were magical, I would fly to Turkey magically and just get ice cream there. Heh. The ice cream man sounds pretty sweet. x)
The photos all look so beautiful!
Your "beautiful horse" story reminds me of my dad when we were in Waterton, desperately trying to look for bears. So when we passed a group of brown creatures, my dad was like, "Bears!" Except no dad, they're just domestic cows. Why there were domestic cows in Waterton? I don't know. Heh.
Ah I'm so jealous. I wish I was there. I wish I knew photography as well. But sadly for the camera dummy tourist, struggling with light issues is just a norm.
I love your minibus!
Oh, and the other day, I was looking at the McDonalds cup, and I recognized turkish! (seviyorum, I think it said) That's cool that they should choose Turkish out of all languages...of course there were a few others, but Turkish! I was excited. My dad just stared wen I made this announcement.
I'm glad you like your new host family. :)
Maeghan resisting ice cream? Inconceivable! Great pictures, by the way!
Yay for you being happy! Wow, I need to be in Turkey. There is so much good stuff there. And I like the ice cream guy! Haha.
And whoa, I only just now realized reading it that Swirlz has a z!!
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