Then on Sunday my whole host family took a trip to the Black Sea where we spent the afternoon swimming, making sandcastles, and doing cartwheels. While I was sitting in the waves, a mussel washed into my lap. I put it in a plastic cup with some sand and some water and it buried itself in the sand! Since this was incredibly exciting, I showed my host family and together we searched for half a dozen more. They're now living in a clear plastic box in my room. We poke at them with a chop stick every now and then. I seriously wish I could take mine home with me. He's completely hidden, save for a small gooey antenna-like extension sticking out of the sand. Every now and then it opens and closes like a mouth!

Ok, in the first picture I thought you were standing in front of a bus, although you are clearly not... Pointless!!! Why do I think these things! Anyway. I like the part about the mussels!!
PS: I am glad you will be back soon. There is much to be done! I don't even really know what that means, but the point is that it will be great when you are back!
Glad you are having fun chickadee!
Can't wait to see you. Jayden was at Rotary today!
That sounds extremely exciting. Is your host brother back then?
Also, I met Mikiko at the Hat's airport, since we had the same flight out to Calgary. She was wearing her Rotary blazer which was sure to set off the alarms with all its badges if she had kept it on while walking through the security thing. She also had a lot of luggage...hopefully she has no problems with that. Love airport security. This time I fully realized how large the Frankfurt aiport is. Holy freaking crap. It's basically a mall, and then some planes just off to the side...well a lot of planes. As in planes descending every 2 minutes on just the one runway that I saw.
Russia is excellent!
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