Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's A Short One This Time.

So I'm watching TV (suprise, suprise) and some of the characters are like, ten year old kids. So It flips from the adults (after one girl casts a spell on another). I know. Kid shows! And it flips to the kids walking down the school hallway.
Me- Hey! Those are my school colours.
Their shirts even look like the little kid uniforms I saw.
*camera changes angle*
Oh my gosh! That's my school logo! MATTIE! MY UNIFORM IS ON TV!!!
Mattie- That's great Maeghan.

It was seriously exciting.



Unknown said...

hey Chickadee! How exciting to see your school on TV! Is it a regular show? MAybe they'll tape live and we'll see you in a background shot or something.

Nana says hello and sends her love. Auntie Robin is reading your blog regularly too.

love always,

Kathleen said...

Ha ha, that is so great!

Linda said...

Wow that sounds awesome.

Linda said...

ah yes! And how was Breaking Dawn?

Maeghan said...

I go to, for lack of a better way to explain it, a brand of private schools. So they're everywhere and have the same uniform. I doubt they film in my school. Sorry Mom.

Breaking Dawn was.. sappy. Although I liked that she was meant to be a vampire. But the Renesemee thing? Weird. Especially with Jacob. *dislike* And who names their kid that anyways? And the Volturi? Lame. Where was the action? She just skirted disaster and skipped away into the sunset.

Linda said...

Yes, the book did have a little too happy-everything is dandy ending. But oh well...
The Sweet Far Thing on the other hand...*tear*

Maeghan said...

I know! I guessed that we were going to lose *my favorite character* long before it happened and I started to cry. And then when I stopped we got into the action and I was like- oh no! and started crying again. My dad asked me if I was sick because I had been sniffling all day. lol. I'm so in love with Kartik.

Maeghan said...

I miss my books. Wikipedia is just not enough.. although it did make me cry for Kartik again.

Günar- ne blah blah blah? (what ....?)
Me- nothing. Ben.. iyi? (I.. good?)

Man my Turkish sucks.

Linda said...

yeah, my parents pretty much stare at me with absolutely no comprehension whenever I cry over a book. I loved Kartik too.