Monday, September 1, 2008


So this fashion show has made me realize how huge the clothes they deemed "right" really are. Like, it's painful. I really really hope that gym class is gender seperated because I'm going to lose my pants if I try to run. Yes, it's that bad. And I have no vocabulary to explain this to my host mom. And yet even if I could , I would feel terrible if we had to go back to the school to switch them. Okay. Let me try to explain the size of my stuff. Savannah. My sweater (the class one, not the gym one) would fit your brother. In length and width. My gym clothes. Worse. Okay Dad. Josh would fit into my gym clothes. Not kidding. I could sew my pants into footie pyjamas without having to add any fabric to them. And that's when they're sitting above my waist. Even the long-sleeve shirt is too big. I just realized that I have to tuck my shirts in (gosh am I slow) which means that the skirt's waist is too large. The only thing that fits is my gym shirt. I may cry. How do I explain this all to my host mom? And how do I tell her that I need to buy shoes for school too? And how did I ever agree to all of these clothes? Everyone was nodding and saying stuff in Turkish and so maybe I just nodded and smiled along with them. WHY?!?! This is saddening to the extreme. I was so excited. Now I'm crushed. Someone help me. Do I need tights? What colour? What I really need is a translator.



Anonymous said...

I was just trying to imagine Turkish lululemon. I dunno, who else makes tight clothes?

what you really need are suspenders. Then you too can look like the hip, fashionable beer-bellied old men of the country woods. Pipe smoking is optional, but recommended.

Maeghan said...


Kathleen said...

Oh no! Do you have access to a sewing machine?

Maeghan said...

Yes. But I am not as amazing as you are.. (I wore the shirt you made me on Saturday!) In fact, I have no skill.

Kathleen said...

Ha ha! Yay about the shirt! But I'm sure you can do something about those big clothes!

When do you start school, anyway? Or did you already start and I just totally missed/forgot that...? We start tomorrow... Boo.

Paul Jerry said...

Hi Sweetie,

I think you do need to try and explain this to your host mom as best you can, perhaps with the tags and labels and maybe by laying out a shirt of yours and one that was bought and show her the difference. You can't go to school looking like that, and so it needs to be changed.


Savannah said...

You rock those clothes.
No matter how big they are :)

Just kidding, don't worry, things will work out!


Linda said...

Ah I hate that...people never listen because well, they can't really understand and you're forced to smile and nod and panic internally

Oh, and of course the guy from 90210 spoke really is that even realistic? Yes, probably. Just not in the Hat. Anyway...

I hope that you solve the baggy clothes problem soon! Without suspenders.