Anyways.. This photo is from English class. Here you see (from left to right) Sefa, Berke, Ben, Serbay, and Sinan. This is their "Jewish Photo". (Note the bored look on Ben's face.. "Not this again, there's nothing Jewish about anything in this class!")
Don't worry.. I don't have a clue what's Jewish about it either.. But that's what they called it, so to each their own I guess. Everyone calls Berke and Ben twins, although I don't see much resemblance. Anyways.. there you have that fun-ness. Today in English, by the way, we played pictionary since there were like.. 10 kids at school today. So Ben has us write on paper phrases or words that would be difficult (but possible) to draw. I was like.. the only person who did it, writing things like "the Bee's Knees!" and "Crocodile Rock!" and "the Apple of my Eye" and "Monkeys like to eat bananas!" and "Party Like it's 1999!". The only one done that I didn't write was what I drew.. "Alienated"
What good fun. Sefa drew "An Elephant's Toe!" (yes, I put ! after most of mine) and his elephant? Well.. it definitely had no ears and a short nose... No one got it. It was hilarious though.
So this is a sunrise as seen from my kitchen balcony. One thing I *do* like about the apartments here is that they're colourful. I mean.. yellow, green, pink, blue... I see 'em all. The best, however, are the tiled ones. I will try and get a picture sometime, but I don't live near any. Some weekend I will take an expedition and get photos of all the things I want to show you. Not this weekend (I am busy), not next (I have a trip!!! Hoorah for seeing more of Turkey!) but maybe the one after? We'll see. I am incredibly lazy. I need to stop putting it off. You can all hold me to it, okay?
Love you all,
PS. Good luck on all of your exams. İyi şansı!
You know, call me crazy, but I can see how this photo looks semi-Jewish. Especially Serbay. He's good at looking like a Jew.
Maeghan you're an awesome goalie and don't let stupid little kids who don't know what they're talking about ever get you down! Darn hoity toity kindergarteners. Wow. I used "hoity toity". I wonder where that word came from. Hm.
Indeed a twist. I don't know if I could be that revolutionary.
Wow. The teacher does indeed look thrilled in the photo.
So when I crashed in Spanish 10 class today, senorita said "mono!". Monkeys...aha. Gotta love those monkeys.
AND AND AND--Laura's boy of fate (which Kathl first mentioned in the math hallway--that fateful hallway...) was in the Spanish 10 class. So we now know his name! Nolan Hustak--I think he's Erica's brother. Ha. Not creepy at all right? But I wasn't intentionally creeping. I just almost giggled to myself in the corner of the classroom when I saw him walking in. That would be me--laughing to herself for apparently no particular reason.
How can an elephant not have ears?
That is true--here the apartments are all just blah. In China, they're all the colours of the rainbow! Pastel colours of course. Unfortunately no neon green or pink apartments. That would be interesting...I wonder if that would be considered a saftey hazard for any drivers who might get distracted?
Where is your trip?
And thank you!
A trip!!! How exciting!!! Tell us all about it.
love Mom
I love the description of that elephant!!
Wow. I totally wish I was in your class! :) And you take the best pictures ever by the way! I love them!
You should totally join in and play soccer anyway. Are you allowed? Well actually, who cares? You should go kick some Turkish soccer butt!
Ha. Okay. The boys are like.. waaaaay into their soccer games and I would just want to play for fun. Also? I am bad at playing on hardwood because I'm used to grass so the ball moves easier which means I would play really badly.
(My word is holocas)
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