Day Four... The uber-expensive museum visit, a sea of greenhouses (not for cold but for hail..) , and Mattie and I swimming in the Turkish Dead Sea (not THE Dead Sea).

Day Three... Mattie and the Dr. Seus tree, John and St. Nick himself, a gorgeous tiled floor, the (drowsy?) chaperone, the Brazilians (also can't leave the house without a flag or three hundred), a telephone booth, and more islands.

Day Two... a waterfall, me as a cactus, some sa-weet columns (yeah.. I didn't think they were that exciting either), the Mexicans who can't leave the house without their flags, a couple of crazy techies admiring the backstage, and some beautifully blue water.

Day one (from the last to the first.. I'm too lazy to rearrange).. the Necropolis, the Girl from Kansas, Crazy Canadian and Abla (Mattie), the God Light, Two Polar Bears and a Floridian
You can't imagine how surprised I was to see pictures and blogs during your trip. Yeah girl! great to see Mattie is on the trip with you. Is she still heading home soon? Love your postings.
Wow - seriously exciting! Even in the rain!
Great photos!
I love to see more of the country than just a big city and being with exchange students is a blast too.
Hope you had fun on the trip!
Ah, I just realized that I left my comment on the previous blog. Oops.
So now I will post a comment about your previous blog. That theatre is amazing and I'm curious about what your short play was about?
Ooooooooo!!! Fun! Your photos bring much joy.
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