Those were Arzu's words this morning. Emily and I have become the official teachers' assistants in the Foreign Lanugages Department. We're welcome to go to class whenever we want, but I had no exciting classes today. Today's duties included stapling. Lots and lots and lots of stapling. And photocopying. And creating a page for a newsletter. And proofreading that newsletter (at least the english part). And creating an answer key (aka writing a test... which we probably did wrong). Overall, it was the most productive day I've had at school so far. It was fun. We hung out all day, and just helped out. At one point Emily, a Kansasian (lol. I don't know the demonym) teacher, and I were debating the correct use of the words dinner and supper. I argued that the last meal of the day, the evening meal, was supper and that dinner is lunch. They both said "that's what my mother says!" and disagreed. "Dinner," claimed the teacher, "is the evening meal. Supper comes from the word 'sup' which means eat, so it could reffer to either." Except!! No one calls lunch supper. Anyways.
Tomorrow I have phys. ed. I will be going to that class, since it doesn't take a lot of Turkish to succeed. Usually we don't end up playing any organized sports and Emily and I just shoot hoops. Not that I like basketball. But I don't think me joining the boys' football game would go over well. Much as I would love to play. Although actually, I suck. So it would just be embarassing. Hmm. We should play lacrosse. Or kickball. Or dodgeball!!! Except they don't have the right kinds of equiptment for any of those lovely sports.
Travelpalooza 2.10
15 years ago
My dad calls lunch Dinner.
I think it sounds funny,
but it is right :S
Stapling, photocopying, answer keys... You go Girl!
love Mom
Sounds all extremely exciting!
That is always confusing. I call lunch lunch and dinner dinner...which doesn't make much about I call the evening meal dinner. But anyway.
They don't have any balls to whip at people? But I suppose it's a school, so they'd probably need to use soft, small ones.
ditholl? that is my word verification. interesting name.
Hahah yeah, it was lucky the dress was black though because I almost wore a light green one! That woulda been a disaster!! I sang a song I wrote and also put guitar to, it was an "English" music festival for all the kids who are learning English.
Hahah yeah it's awesome when people sing english, especially when they don't have an accent because then I get to thinking that they actually speak English, but once the music ends they don't know more than, "hello". lol
Hahah stapling, I love stapling. And I don't think I would ever in my lifetime call 'lunch', 'supper'. Except here in Brazil it is kinda more like is all very confusing. I am just gonna refer to meals as, "the big one, the bigger one etc." lol
<3 Emily (in Brazil)
P.S - where is the Emily from in Turkey?
Dodgeball is rather epic!! It's too bad that you can't play dodgeball!! I love your short snappy entries. OH and you are definetly right about the whole dinner, supper thing. Supper is the evening meal and dinner is just another word for lunch. Hahaha. OH man the life of an exchange student eh?
Whaaaat? I call lunch "lunch" as well. That's weird. I guess we should just all start calling it tea.
Kathle! Tea is in between dinner and supper! It's a conspiracy to get to eat more cake! Duh!
Heh. Four exclamation point sentences in a row.
Emily is from Colorado.
I love that you said epic, Marita. In Turkish it's "epik". I need to use it more. In Turkish.
What kind of equipment do you need to play dodgeball..?
Not basketballs, that's for freaking sure.
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