Just some pictures I never bothered to share, or didn't include in previous entries! Enjoy = )

Here you can sort of see me pretending to be part of a fountain.. Those huge pillar-things of blue Christmas lights? Those are palm trees. Haha. They decorated in between mall buildings, how cute.
This first one is a bulletin board that Teacher Sean put together. Wicked Awesome. Rofl. If this board doesn't explain why I love the English department, I don't know what would.
This one is the school garden. I took it yesterday. You in your -49 weather must be jealous at the moment. Just so you know, I'm jealous of you. Snow would be fun. *fingers crossed*
Here you can sort of see me pretending to be part of a fountain.. Those huge pillar-things of blue Christmas lights? Those are palm trees. Haha. They decorated in between mall buildings, how cute.
Okeeee! This one is the family tree painted on the wall at my family's mountain house. Totally awesome! Wicked Awesome, even. Over on the far left is their branch. It was really interresting to look at.
Yet another sunset on the Bosphorus. This is what I see every single day. Not kidding. You're jealous.
This here is the path I took in the mountains. It gets much creepier around the next turn. Thats when I decided to take the even smaller, less used path! And I creeped myself out right around here. So what did I do? Whip out the camera and try to act calm and casual while singing to myself, "Whenever you feel afraid, just hold your head up high, and whistle a happy tune, and no one will suspect you're afraid!" It's my coping mechanism. I do it all the time, lol. The picture is actually much less creepy. The emptiness just isn't there.
Blogger won't let me add anymore to this entry, so there you have it! Some random pictures from my life here.
Great pictures Miss Maeg! It is always great to see pictures of you and your life in Istanbul.
love always,
Mom, Dad, Mitch, and Maggie
Lucky teachers.
Snow is fun. Except that it's about -21 (which is much better than the last few days--actually it's positively warm when you compare it to last weekend) with wind chill (of course). And also that it turns into ice, which I tend to slip and fall on.
Speaking of which, a French guy came to my door today to sell suncatchers for something...not sure what. (I loved his accent!) But the point of me telling you this is that I felt sorry for him having to walk around in such cold weather (and stepping on my unshoveled driveway) and then get rejected. Did I mention his accent was amazing? Anyway.
Rejection reminds me of birds getting rejected on Planet Earth videos.
I wish Hat High had a nice school garden. We just have an abandoned gazebo and some weeds. And trees.
The fountain photo looks beautiful. And you blend in nicely.
That's a really awesomely cool family tree. And it actually has their names on it?
Meh. Medicine Hat sunsets trump a sunset over the beach. Totally. Because our sun sets over snow. With birds migrating. That's all I can come up with. Yet I still blind myself by taking a bunch of photos of the sun. Ah well.
That is a good coping mechanism. It would be kind of eerie...nobody else around and it's just emptiness...
Wow. I love how every time I hear about your life, I hate mine just a little bit more. Just kidding! Almost. But those are some WICKED AWESOME pictures!!
That bulletin board is WICKED AWESOME. Oh wait I just realized now that Laura basically wrote that exact same thing. Sorry about that. Those are some swell pictures though! I wish I could go exploring in the woods by myself! When we were in Banff, my mom wouldn't let me go anywhere!!! I will have to show you some of the Rambo pictures I took though!
Kathle! Rambo? I have a picture to send you. I took it at.. that place.. where that battle happened.. the peninsula that starts with G. I don't know. But I will post it sometime.
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