So... I ate my first turkey ever.. in Turkey!!! How fabulous!
The Thanksgiving dinner went really well. I made mashed potatoes, and they all got eatten up. I spent all afternoon on them. I used 2.5 kg of potatoes, and overflowed a pot of water puting them in. It was great fun. I'm really good at peeling now, Mom.
The dinner itself felt very short. We came, we ate, we left. Not a lot of talking and hanging out (our favorite pass-time). The Mexicans brought nachos and guacamole and stuff like that. It was really good. We didn't end up with all desserts, which (depending on how you look at it) was also good. I got to talk to Aslı, my club president, about attending meetings. Although she said exactly what she'd said over the phone, that there is a Rotarian from Florya who can take me home and they'll inform me when they're coming to a meeting. Which has yet to happen since this plan was put in place. Gaah. This city is sooooo big!
School is school. Nothing interresting happened. As usual. Heyguesswhat! It's December. Isn't that wierd to think about? It is to me. I need to brush up on my Christmas carols and walk around singing them. Sounds like a plan. Hey! Everyone tell me the name of your favorite carol, okay? Because I can't remember very many. Laura, I know you love Silver Bells (don't hit me!) and Dad, I know your favorite is the Drummer Boy (do I still get a Christmas present?). I'll stop teasing people.
PS. Something exciting DID happen! My German teacher marked my test, and I got 27%! This is actually not a bad mark. Considdering I don't understand Turkish, the fact that I got anything right on the test is remarkable, plus apparently loads of people in my class got worse. Second languages aren't many peoples' focus here. Everything is about passing the ÖSS university entrance exam. The last section on my test, I got 14 out of 20 right. Go me. I'm sending it home so my parents can put it on the fridge (and NOT get rid of it!) to proudly display for all to see. *hint hint*
Travelpalooza 2.10
15 years ago
That's right! This was also your first experience eating turkey, and it was in TURKEY. How lucky are you? May not make the turkey any tastier, but it's still pretty cool.
I'm so slow at peeling potatoes. At anything really.
Song I'm listening to right now: blah blah blah-blah blah blah blah. Can you guess what it is? x)
So were the authentic Mexican nachos and guacamole better than the Americanized versions or are they pretty similar?
It is so crazy that it's already December. You should sing Christmas carols! I want a hippopotamus for Christmas.
GO MAEGHAN AND HER TWENTY SEVEN! (that rhymes...sort of....) One of the girls in my English class was doing a reading comprehension test and then afterwards our teacher let us work together in groups so that we could change our answers if we wanted to. I was in this girl's group, and for her answers, she just put ACDC. And she actually matched some of the answers that everyone else got. What the heck? How do you get so many right from just putting down something so random as that? Apparently it works.
Turkey in Turkey. So classic. I will laugh. And laugh. That will never not be funny. Never.
And did you know that "Silver Bells" will proceed to be stuck in my head for about three months now? Trust me, if I could hit you, I would. I don't really know how you're worried about that though...
Jingle Bell Rock, Joy to the World, Silent Night, Oh Chrismtas Tree (Oh Tannenbaum), Santa Baby (HA HA!) , ummm.. etc.
Good job on your test.
Glad you liked my packing material.
Yeah, Laura's second favourite is Santa Baby. I love all Christmas songs though! Well, that is NOT true, but I don't have a favourite. You should sing A Marshmallow World. Because it's awesome!
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