The Rotary Ball was great fun! Mattie, Meara and I were at the Aslı Clan table. So basically, it was just like şeker bayram. We ate really good food, drank wine (well, I didn't.. it tastes like medicine, at least the dessert wine did *_*), danced, and opened Christmas presents.
<--Me, Mattie, and Meara surrounding Aslı, my adorable, loveable Rotary Club president. As always, my hair has decided to misbehave right when the cameras come out.
The meal was intense! I had three forks.. and a dessert fork. Um.. Work your way in, right? Not that anyone would have cared, but still.
There was a live performer, and people would sing along to songs they knew or get up and dance when they felt like it. It was very cute. There were songs where EVERYONE was singing along with the chorus. At one point, a whole bunch of people were dancing in couples, and Mattie and I (having surveyed the scene) got up and danced with each other. All the Rotarians laughed and thought we were adorable. Hehe.
That is the Bosphorus Bridge. The main one. And that line of white lights? That's what we're part of. By the time I took this photo, I was almost an hour late for the meeting. And we still had to cross that traffic-jam of a bridge! It's been raining lots, and that made traffic TERRIBLE. But I got to do the arriving late, descending the staircase to everyone looking at you thing... Akward. I don't advise it.
After the party ended, Aslı and her adorable husband dropped me off at my host uncle's house, where I stayed the night (they lived like, seven minutes from the hotel the ball was at). And upon arriving, Lutfiye invited them to stay for tea. At 2 am. And they did! Only Turks...
I'll leave you with one last picture- Mattie and Myself, neither of us looking particularly wonderful, but it's still cute. You can't see it in the picture, but Mattie has a total "Barbie Ponytail" as she calls it. Her councellor invited her to get their hair done together. It was super cute!

Oh Maeghan, I love to hear about your adventures. I will definetly have to visit Turket some day. Thanks for sharing all of your stories. I really connected with what you said about how important a mindset is and those kindergarten kids sound adorable. You are really inspiring, keep up the excellent work! Merry Christmas!!!
Oh fun fun fun!
Ha ha my word is "ridin". Woo!
You look lovely Maeghan. Sounds like a great do. I'd of loved to have seen your entrance on the staircase.
The pics are great again. I'm pretty impressed with your school finding some really meaningful experiences for you. I certainly relate to your teaching experience.
Love from us both!!
You look adorably gorgeous Maeghan!
Ooh traffic looks awesome.
Don't kid yourself. You both look wonderful!
Kathle. That is your new last name. Or the latest dance trend.
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