Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Testing 1, 2, 3!

Okay darlings!  I am testing out this blogging-through-email thing.  Hopefully it's as snazzy as it sounds.
Today and tomorrow are some sort of holiday thing and so we got out of school early today and don't have to go tomorrow.  After school Emily and I went out with four girls from our classes.  Nazlı, Melis, Esra, and Gökce took us to Bakirköy.  I ate at Burger King for the first time EVER and we wandered around some shops.  We also all managed to get in a taxi.  There isn't a lot to mention, but I had a really good time.  I haven't decided if I'm going to go hang out with the other exchange students tomorrow.  It takes a long time to get places from my house, and Jimmer wants us to meet at 8.30 am in Beşiktaş.  Doesn't he know that days off are for sleeping in?  That would involve getting on the bus at like, 7.20 and THAT would mean getting up around 6.30, same as every day.  Where's the joy in that?  If we were meeting at 10.00 I'd be in for sure, but I'm reluctant to give up my beauty sleep to figure out the bus schedule.  And as we know, I don't have the best of luck with those.
Oh!  I rode one of the double-decker busses home today!  Then I had to transfer busses (which, by the way, is not free) and that bus took me to my neighbourhood, but instead of turning in the direction of my house at the intersection down the block, it turned in the opposite direction!  I spent about a minute debating what to do before I got off and walked home.  By this time it was dark, even though it was only 7.00.  But I figured that it would be best to get off while I still knew where I was.  Heh.  The busses here really don't like me.  Or maybe I just choose bad busses.. who knows?

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Rowan said...

Maeghan! You can blog again! That's wonderful! You're bus schedule sounds more than a little effed up, but I know I would kill to ride a double decker bus! :O

Do you get on the same bus every day and it just goes off in random directions or is it a different bus every time?

Kathleen said...

That bus system sounds crazy! But I bet the double decker was really cool! And was everything on the menu at Burger King the same as over here?

Marita said...

I'm so glad you have found a way to keep on blogging. Good job for finding a double decker bus to ride on, that is rather excellent!

Linda said...

It works! YES

Ugh. What's with being forced to get up early on the holiday? Oh then again, you're in Turkey so what are you doing sleeping? Ha, just kidding. You should tell him about the whole rule of sleeping in, for the reason of catching up on your beauty rest, which is vitally important. As in vitally. As in you can not live without it. And really, you can't live without sleep right?

At least you can figure out how to get home. I would probably panic and then overthink about what I should do and end up getting off too late. Ha, I'm a loser.

So, when you convert the prices, are the items in Burger King ridiculously higher or lower than it is here? In China, fast food (especially Pizza Hut) is considered like gourmet and they have such long lineups to buy such expensive pizzas (when you take into consideration the relativity of everything).