Sunday, September 7, 2008

Barbed Wire

So Mattie moved houses today. It was sad. After breakfast (we ate chocolate cake!) we dropped her off at her councellor's apartment building and that was it. Then we went to my school and exchanged my uniform for things that actually fit and I chose a stream. Did I explain how this works already? There are two streams that you can choose from when you start your Tenth Year (as they call it). One is the Science stream where you take biology, chemistry, physics, math, and Turkish; the other stream is Literature where you take Turkish, English, German, math, history, and geography. I chose the second stream, for the Turkish and history. German is going to be a gong show. Can you imagine? I won't know a word they're saying in either language. I think they said I could join another class during that time and learn more English or Turkish. As much as I'd like to learn German (having been presented the oppertunity) I don't think I could handle it. Oh! And they asked me if I needed grades for this year or not. As in, do you need marks or do we not have to worry about it? I said I do not need any marks this year (because I can't transfer credits anyways.. grr) and they told me that in that case I didn't need to bother to write the end of year exams but that I could if I wanted to. No exams! Woot!

So then on the way out someone pointed out that my school has a pool! And we walked across some nice outdoor games courts into another building and low and behold- a full pool! Hooray! This is very, very exciting. Also, my school had brochures. I grabbed one on my way out as well.

After the stop at the school, we visited Melek's brother. He lives in what is essentially a condo on the Asian side of İstanbul. He has two sons who are adorable, and the older one tried on his school uniform to show Günar and Melek. So cute. If I could have I would have told him that he would be melting the young ladies' hearts in Canada, but I don't speak Turkish. And maybe 8 year old girls' hearts don't melt at the sight of little boys in blazers, sweater vests, and ties... But anyways. We brought icecream to their house, and I had some pretty delicious icecream. Turkish icecream is apparently thicker than Canadian icecream (or at least the stuff I'm used to) and so when you try to take a spoonful, it (now this is hard to describe) stretches (?) like cheese does when you take a piece of pizza. Does that make sense? Anyways, it threw me for about one spoonful, but after that it was just delicious dairy product. My host family buys whole milk, so I haven't had my four glasses a day in a week and a half.

On our way home we picked up tights (that's right, the uniform requires tights) and what is now my key to the apartment. Then I had to move all of my things to Mattie's room where I now reside. And that's where it's at. Oh yeah! The fence around the perimeter of my school is topped with barbed wire and there's a security guard and a gate to get in. Exciting. Expect a blog tomorrow. If I don't get lost on the way home...



Kathleen said...

Oh! I am so jealous of the "no marks" thing... And I do get what you're trying to say about the ice cream, and it sounds neat! Your school sounds pretty much sweet. I really am so jealous...

Kathleen said...

And good luck on your first day!

Linda said...

GERMAN! sehr gut! (I thought I butchered the spelling on that one, but after checking on google, I actually got it right. Wow. Let's try more (sorry while Linda releases her ADDness...): ich...liebe dich! mein Deutsch is not gut! ( not is ist nicht...well anyway, that's enough of trying to speak a language I barely know.) Ich brauche Schlaf! (haha, cheated with google on that one...)

Lucky girl. No exams..meanwhile I have my 2 diplomas...1 this semester (Bio! Ach! No! Nein!) (2 is zwei!) So yeah. In case you haven't noticed. Brackets indicate where I go off into ADD world.

Pools and brochures? The excitement of it all.

Ah the ice cream sounds good. And yes I understood the strange pizza analogy strangely.

Heh, I'm not a big fan of whole milk. (oh gosh...ADD just burst in with cows and, I need to sleep.)

Your own apartment? No...your host family's probably, right? Or no?

Wow. That sounds intense. No guarddog?

I wonder if you managed to get through that. Gute Nacht!

Linda said...

Wow, and I was reading through my comment...and marveling at how many exclamation points and excessive periods I used. Oh man.

Kathleen said...

Ha ha! I doubt if I've ever written a sentence without exclamation points or excessive periods...

I really need to stop making pointless comments. Sorry. Although I'm not sorry enough to stop doing it...

laura said...

No marks! I am jealous! No exams! Even more so! I already have a math test tomorrow! Linda know what I'm talking about!

German! Ice cream! Pools! How awesome is your life right now?

Boys in sweater vests? How old is he?

Do you realize that you have now been on 3 continents? CONTINENTS?!?!?! You are amazing!

Do you actually read all the long and ridiculous (in my case) comments on here?

Linda said...

Went through your previous blog's comments...Laura seemed really interested in the sea...
Is it very hot there? Because in Japan apparently they still have 30 degree weather...meanwhile, my legs are freezing because I'm only wearing capris and I'm in the basement at 11:01PM (which really isn't that late but my eyes are already focusing weirdly) and it's 8 degrees outside (which isn't that cold but my legs are just weird like the rest of my body) and I'm rambling on about something or other and wondering if you even care. Anyways...I realize that I still want to learn how to speak German...properly. Perhaps you can pick up a few words. Danke schön!

Or maybe I should stick with Spanish for now. I don't have it until next semester and by then I'll probably have forgotten everything. No es bueno.

As Linda rambles on into different would that be...Spachinglishman. Only very bad Spachinglishman. Wow. Okay. I need to stop.

Linda said...

Haha that's okay! Because I was just exceedingly pleased that kathleen is online! Not sure why it was exceedingly though. Just ADD.

Linda said...

And Laura I missed Laura!
Long and ridiculous? Uh no, Laura, have you even glanced at my long, ridiculous (and not to mention now numerous) comments?

Kathleen said...

HO MAN!! Not "oh"...

I look away for five minutes and NINE comments now?!!?!

Kathleen said...

You know a lot of languages... I feel so unaccomplished!

Although... I am watching a FRENCH movie right now!! Ha ha...

Although I am obviously looking at the computer, so I cannot read the subtitles... Hmm...

Linda said...

Oh sorry Kathleen.

Ho man.

There you go. Wow, that can be pronounced and understood differently.
Anyway, yes I've been typing crazily Kathleen. So Maeghan can feel loved when she sees countless numbers of comments.

Ha I don't know French. Bonjour. Au revoir. Merci beaucoup. Fromage. Yeah, that's it.

Kathleen said...

Ha ha... Ho man. I didn't even actually realize that it seemed like I was correcting you there. By "correcting" I mean making more silly and wrong... WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING? Anyway... Uh... Oh man. So, hmm... I will try and make this relevant to Turkey in some way...

So I was "learning Turkish" yesterday, with this:

And I also remembered that YouTube is blocked in Turkey! That's sad!

Kathleen said...

PS: I also don't know French. Not well.

Linda said...

It's HO MAN Kathleen. xD

Kathleen said...

Ha ha! Oops! Ho man...

I wonder how this will all look in the light of day?

Kathleen said...

Maeghan is probably just getting to school now... Or maybe not. Maybe I mixed up all the time zones.

Maeghan said...

Oh my gosh guys. 17 comments?
Okay. School = scary. Read latest post. Turkey = hot. FYI Laura, Maeghan's Life = upside down and backwards. Yes, I read the comments.

On the way to school today I passed a whole bunch of students waiting for their various busses (all around the city) and every time I saw I guy in his uniform (dress shirt with sleeves rolled up and tie loosly tied, some even wore their sweater vests) I was like- Oh man. If my friends could see these guys...

But my school's uniform is more like Cape's. No ties for us. =(

Kathleen said...



Maeghan said...

I know, eh?

Mattie gets to go to a school with a uniform like that. And happens to be in a class of 8 people. Lucky girl.

Not that I'm not happy with my school.

Linda said...

oh my freaking goodness. (HO MAN) 20 comments?

Take some photos of those guys! Haha, so Savannah and Cassandra and others like them can eat their heart out.
Ah! Like Sally, you can polish your creeper yearbook skills! We could do with some creeper photos of people in Japan and Turkey.

Savannah said...

I did see what you wrote ;)

Maeghan said...

I'll see what I can do. Nobody has tinted windows, so these guys will be able to see me creepin' on 'em.

Linda said...

hence, the polishing of sneaky yearbook-clubber skills! (because it's just so ninja-like right?)

ah man, (ho man) we had orientation the other day and they were encouraging us to join the clubs. So they asked everyone if they were in such-and-such club...they got to drama and everyone was cheering (drama got the loudest cheer actually), and then yearbook, just me..heh (inches hand up into air) sally and maeghan aren't here.......although I couldn't see Brennan so I probably wasn't the only one.

Maeghan said...

Lol. Why wasn't the sock puppet me there? I have failed you. Although if you did raise two hands with one covered by a sock puppet, you'd just look weird...

Linda said...

maybe. just a bit you know.
*that chinese girl has a sock on her*