Monday, December 29, 2008

Turkish Words

So.. went to my afternoon classes today. I talked to my friends and randomly read my dictionary, which is how I descovered these GREAT words-

uçuşmak- to fly in a swarm

when I read the definition of this one I broke down laughing.

mıymıntı- slow, lazy and exasperatingly passive.

Hehe, how often do they use this word? exasperatingly passive.

bunamak- to become weak-minded with age.

There are my excellent Turkish words. And now for an update... IT IS SNOWING.

My conversation with my host grandmother-


Her: Snow.

Me: SNOW!!

Her: It's snowing?

Me: Yes! It is snowing. SNOW!

Her: Ah, snow.



Kathleen said...

Ha ha yay snow! And yay birthday!

Queen B said...

Happy 16th Birthday Maeghan :) So sorry I missed it today...

Linda said...

Wow. I think mıymıntı is a good word for me. How do you say that? Then when I introduce myself, I won't have to say how much I love food, I can just say something in a foreign language.

Haha your host grandmother sounds pretty passive.

It's snowing right now. Not quite as exciting in Canada. Although I want to learn how to build an igloo.