Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh the Joys of Being Confused

Did I mention that now when I try to speak in spanish it comes out turkish? So when I think "Okay, today I will just practice saying my name and age in spanish" it comes out "Merhaba! Benim adım... wait! NO. Merhaba..NOOOO. Hola. *phew* Hola,! Hola yo me llamo Maeghan. Tengo on altı.. I MEAN diez y... uno dos tres quatro cinco sies... dies y sies anos. *sigh of relief* Tamam. NO! Aaarrrrggh!"

İdil has decided that I can speak spanglurkish from now on. English, Spanish, and Turkish. Senorita? You are going to have a heck of a time with me in your 30 class. Maybe I should take 10 again...



Linda said...

haha x)Spanglurkish sounds cool. I wish I spoke something like that. Wait! Spachinlish. (My dad speaks Chingliman--Chinese, English and German!) I'll be sure to pass that message on to Senorita.

Kathleen said...

Ha ha ha! At least you know languages. Uh... Fromage?