Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today Was Good

School was school, a little boring, but fairly bearable. I read a collection of murder mysteries while my friends slaved away in math class. Then in philosophy I read "The Hounds of Baskerville" rewritten for people with a 2000 word vocabulary. Well... it is a foreign language here. But gosh are books funny. Yesterday I read a science fiction that had me giggling like a maniac (actually, planning out my Valentine's Day story did too..).

On the bus home from school I really noticed things. My glasses were cleaner or I was more awake or something, but I just observed things. I don't know. It was neat.



Linda said...

I loved your fairytale! I posted a comment on it, as a suggestion so I suggest that you take a look. x)

I'm glad you had a good day!

Kathleen said...

Is Holmes still a big jerk if you have a 2000 word vocabulary?